Uncharted Taratori: The Ridgeway

On the path again!

Dear reader… we are back!

In 2017, Tara and I embarked on our first walking trail, Hadrian’s Wall Trail, walking across England from West to East. 6 (six!) years later, we’ve reunited in England to walk Britain’s oldest road, The Ridgeway, starting in the East and Walking West towards Avebury. Both trails are part of the National Trail collection, created in 1973, making this 50th year anniversary. The markers along the trail, and for every National Trail footpath, is an upside down acorn. Upside down? When we walked Hadrian’s Wall we spent a lot of time contemplating why the acorn was upside down. Did we draw acorns incorrectly? How in fact did they hang from the tree? If you know either Tara or I personally, you’ll know that upon arriving back in England we got matching upside acorn tattoos on our ankles to symbolize the trip. After the trip, I messaged the National Trail to ask, what was up with the acorn. The response I received was either very sarcastic or dead serious, to this day I still wonder. But “If the acorn was right side up, it would a man wearing a beret.“

With our packs, our map book we set out today from Ivinghoe Beacon, searing for the first National Trail marker to lead us to our first stop, Wendover for one of our shortest days on the path as we reacclimate to daily trek. 12 miles later, we only managed to get lost twice.