2023 Berlin Musings

What's in the Air

My mind on the weather:

It looks like rain! No wait, that’s just the haze of the wildfire smoke, right? Actually, did you hear that? That sounded like thunder, but I don’t see a rain cloud or maybe I can’t see the rain cloud because it’s so hazy out… The sun is like a big ball of orange, shining through the atmosphere. Really dystopian looking, but don’t look directly at it because that hurts. I see spots now! Ugh, is the wildfire why it’s so hot? Probably unrelated, that’s just global warming and climate change. I mean the heat is something else. <droplets of rain> Here comes the rain, maybe that’ll help pin wildfire particles to the ground. Maybe the rain will also kill the humidity! I could use a nice cool run. <checks weather app> Oh, the rain is only going to raise the humidity. More thunderstorms popping up over the next five days?! Well great. This is just great - swampy, rainy, hot and firey. Love this for my summer training!

Snackable Bites.

When I was in Sweden in May, I found myself at a communal dinner table making friends and eating with some lovely people. During the conversation I happened to mention running the Berlin Marathon and my new friend, Nancy, asked me “how do you even start to train?” I wish I had said then, what I’ve come to realize now: conquering any goal must be done in snackable bites. By nature of a marathon training plan, 26.2 miles is broken down into shorter runs, where milage gradually increases week after week. In my brain, I break out each run into small snackable bites to help encourage my brain and body to complete the run. After all marathon running is mental as much as it is phsyical.

When I run the loop in Central Park on a hot day, I give myself permission to stop at all the water fountains. Snackable milestones. By doing that I’m taking the pressure off myself to continuously go and consequently, without that pressure, I find that I don’t actually need to stop at every fountain or milestone I set myself. My inner dialogue goes something like this - “See that tree on top of that hill? Once you get to the tree you can stop if you need.” <runs up hill> “Oh hey tree, no need to stop, bye bye.” I set small milestones throughout each run, small snackable goals that get me to accomplish the distance I need to hit.

Day Details

Watch this space for updates:

September 24, 2023 - Berlin, Germany

Website: https://www.bmw-berlin-marathon.com/en/your-race/start/

Course Map: https://www.bmw-berlin-marathon.com/fileadmin/bmw-berlin-marathon/Kartenmaterial/BM-22_Start-Ziel-Gebiet_5_RZ.pdf