2023 Berlin Musings

What's in the Air

My mind on the weather:

It looks like rain! No wait, that’s just the haze of the wildfire smoke, right? Actually, did you hear that? That sounded like thunder, but I don’t see a rain cloud or maybe I can’t see the rain cloud because it’s so hazy out… The sun is like a big ball of orange, shining through the atmosphere. Really dystopian looking, but don’t look directly at it because that hurts. I see spots now! Ugh, is the wildfire why it’s so hot? Probably unrelated, that’s just global warming and climate change. I mean the heat is something else. <droplets of rain> Here comes the rain, maybe that’ll help pin wildfire particles to the ground. Maybe the rain will also kill the humidity! I could use a nice cool run. <checks weather app> Oh, the rain is only going to raise the humidity. More thunderstorms popping up over the next five days?! Well great. This is just great - swampy, rainy, hot and firey. Love this for my summer training!